Throwback Thursday, and the evolution of the crazy dog lady.

Throwback Thursday to my two favorite boys ❤

I never had dogs growing up. I had a cat: Tang. I remember one day in Grade 10 my friend’s cat had babies and I brought one home once they were ready. My Mom was..not impressed, but she let me keep him. He was a sickly little dude, and we spent a lot of money getting him all spruced up, but he’s now the best cat ever. I still love to snuggle him everytime we visit home.

When we moved to Alberta we rented the cutest little basement suite. We had our own little yard and patio, and it had the most wonderful pond. I was in heaven. Our landlord (the sweetest elderly gentleman who had just lost his wife) explained to us that there were no pets allowed in the suite as he was afraid of dogs, and cats were ‘dirty’. As time went by, we became pretty close with Roger. He would give us birthday gifts, christmas gifts, and I would bake him cookies. 🙂 He was great.

Once we started looking at buying our own place, we simultaneously started going to the animal shelter to “look” at dogs. Yeah, right. When we met Rein, she was a big giant pit bull, and, having little experience with dogs, I was a bit nervous. I remember asking Jamie “how do you know if a dog is going to bite your face off?”. He laughed at me. He had been around dogs his entire life–Rein was amazing, and he knew it. We met her, cuddled her, and I got a bit more comfortable, but I still had the notion in the back of my mind that if I made any sudden movements, she was going to rip me apart…Looking back, we probably shouldn’t have been visiting the shelter when we couldn’t even have an animal–it was emotional every time we left. We went home, and for the next few weeks I researched dogs and pit bulls, and rescues, and behaviour. I looked into dog classes, and dog psychology, and I read Cesear Milan books..I wanted a dog.

Two weeks later, we went back to the shelter, and there she was. Still in the same kennel, Rein sat further back from the glass viewing window then before, and she barely looked up at us. She looked defeated. My poor girl… we asked to visit with her again and the staff showed us her tricks. She could sit, stay, roll over, shake a paw, and she LOVED fetch. The way she interacted with the lady was amazing–that was her person. Everyone at the shelter loved her. I cried the entire way home that we couldn’t get her. Jamie said it was for the best though, she was ‘way too big…and scary looking’, and told me we weren’t going to go anymore until we had our own place.

That night I went to Roger’s front door, knocked, and watched him walk slowly down the stairs through the tiny front window. My heart was beating fast. I told him that I knew we weren’t allowed dogs, but I found one that was very special. And we could do a larger damage deposit, and it wouldn’t be long (he knew we were looking for a house to buy). There I was, standing on the front porch of a man who was terrified of dogs, asking him if I could bring a 75 pound rescue pit bull into his safe, beautiful little home.

“Oh, Ashley. Of course you can have a dog.”

I felt so guilty. I knew he wouldn’t say no…but I also knew I wouldn’t screw this up.

“What kind of dog is it, anyways?”

My heart sank. Oh we go. I told him it was a pit bull…and guess what he said?

“Oh, I don’t know that kind.”

We went to the shelter the next day and adopted her. It ended up costing us $575 dollars as she needed a special class as an adoption condition (she was a pit bull, afterall). I didn’t care. We paid the money and were told we could pick her up in two days, as she needed to be spayed.

Sleepy girl on her way home–see her bandaid?

When we went to pick her up, she had just finished surgery and she was so sleepy. I sat in the back seat with her and I was so happy. She made herself right at home, walked over to her bed we had for her, and layed right down. I spent the entire first night laying on her bed with her, rubbing her head softly (I still had no idea about dogs).

Carpet is so much better than concrete, Mom!

The first few days of leaving her at home I was pretty sure we’d come home to a ripped apart front door, or a chewed up couch, but we never did. She has still never chewed a thing. She’s had a few accidents inside, but man does she feel bad (you can tell by the look in her eyes..and she cowers when you see it). She’s so well behaved, and so smart (we taught her to crawl, and high-10). I’m so glad Roger made an exception for us.

Fast forward to 6 months into home ownership…guess who came home with puppy #2? This girl!! Benjamin Button (Ben, for when we are in public) was just a tiny, tiny little baby (see first picture). Our family is complete, for now, until we are ready for babies (or another puppy..).


Library Loving.

I’m addicted to books….

But there’s a bit of a loop hole. My Grandma is addicted to books, and I remember her saying on some occasions “this book is no good.. I can’t wait to be finished with it.” Well, I can tell you, I would never get to that point. Call me a quitter if you’s probably justified, but I can usually tell after about 15 minutes if I’m going to finish the book..I’m very selective. Just ask the stack of “attempted” books on my bedside table.

For this reason, I rarely buy books new, I am more of a garage-sale/library/raiding my Mom’s bookshelves kinda girl.  This approach usually prevents me from getting my hands on any of the “top 40” of the book world, but I figure if they’re that good, I’ll come across them in a few years at a yard sale.

Last night I headed out to the library while Jamie had his boy time (his best friend/ best man is staying with us right now–bro-mance!). I only had 45 minutes before the library closed, so I stumbled around, looking through the non-fiction categories (I don’t do well with fiction..I’ve maybe read 5-6 fiction books in my lifetime). I stocked up! I walked away with 5 books about marriage, love, and/or sex (all the current themes running my life right now).IMG_20140730_105120

Then I drove to my little spot, parked the truck, opened the windows, hung my bare feet out and layed back in the comfy seat. The first one I opened, I read the first page, and before I knew it I had been sitting there for three hours and was on page 76. Whoa. Nice work, Dr. Ruth…I brought the books to work today (shhh) so I can get all my reading, with pay!

I’m going to be a marriage professional before you even know it… What are your favorite books?

25 days..

Our wedding is coming up really fast. It feels like yesterday that I was sitting on the couch with Jamie discussing vendor payments that were due at the 6-month mark. Well, we definitely don’t have 6 months anymore. I’ve put in four solid months of healthy eating and exercising, I’ve been praticing trying to be a ‘wife’ and do laundry (without waiting for 10 loads to be ready..) and make dinner, and pack lunches with fresh baked goods. I’ve started cleaning up every night after dinner (instead of leaving the mess for the next day), and the dish washer hasn’t sat clean for more than an hour before the dishes made their way back to their place in the cupboards. I am starting to feel like a grown up.

And then last night it finally hit me. I am getting married in just over 3 weeks. We are no longer able to use the word “month” when describing the distance of the wedding. Not even “one month away”. Nope, we even passed that. We are now at weeks. Weeks away. We were sitting on the couch, facing one another, and I grabbed both of his hands. I think I squeezed almost too tight for comfort, and all I could say was “I’m so glad you’re going to be there.. it would be way too scary without you”. It brought tears to my eyes. Not sad tears, just happy, nervous tears. We are really doing this.GOP-Engagement-18-XL

I’m not going to lie, the whole thing feels strange. It feels a bit scary and it feels a bit too ‘adult’ for me. It feels right, don’t get me wrong, and I am ready to get married, and obviously I am completely sure of what I want, but it still seems a bit surreal. I mean, we are planning our WEDDING and subsequently our MARRIAGE. I am going to be a WIFE and have a HUSBAND. Next we are going to be flying away on our honeymoon, just the two of us. Soon we will be planning for children (don’t tell James I said soon…it makes him panic, too) and I’ll be having a little baby with cute little dimples, just like it’s Dad.  In a way, I just thought I’d feel different when this time came, I’d feel prepared and ready and like a real adult.

When I was 20-ish and in my second year of University, I remember asking my Mom when I would start feeling like an “adult”. To me, that meant feeling truly independent, not wanting to cry to my Mom when I was upset, and not craving hugs from my family when I was away from home. It meant being confident in my decisions, and not having a mini panic-attack when signing mortgage papers with James without my Mom present (yes, I actually had that thought). I remember her telling me that I was a grown-up. That my mindset was probably pretty much developed, my views and opinions were there, and all that was left were some life lessons and some time to grow internally. She said I would always need my Mom (and that she still needed Grandma), and I’d never stop having a tiny part of me that didn’t feel fully ready. Man, she was right. I don’t think I’ll ever get over needing hugs from my Momma, or stop missing the fresh, comfy, safeness of my bed at Grandma’s house.

Anyways, I guess that was a bit of an aside (^^) sorry… hahagop-engagement-7

I can’t wait to put on my dress, and get my hair all done up and be surrounded by everyone I love and care about. I cannot wait to walk down the aisle towards James and see his face. I will probably start running once I see him (towards him, of course) so I can sneak in a quick hug before I pass out… Here’s to the next three weeks!

Just because I am SO curious…do my quick poll. I’m having a deep day, I want some deep advice.






My Bucket List…the 10 gallon type.

I think everyone should have a bucket list. It gives you a visual reminder of the things you want to do in life–even when times get hectic. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagent: maybe you want to travel to another state, or give your time to a cause that is important to you. For me, it also lets me find happiness and accomplishment in some of the tiniest moments.

I started actually writing out my “bucket list” in my second year of University. It helped me focus on the bigger picture at a time when I was really struggling to do so. I was going through a tough time and struggling to keep myself afloat. Looking back, I believe this is when my hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s symptoms were intense and I felt completely hopeless. For anyone going through that right now, I’m sending tons of love. It will get better.


My list so far:

  1. Swim in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  2. Dance naked in the rain
  3. Go to India
  4. Purchase my first house
  5. Finish University
  6. Own my home — mortgage free!
  7. Take my Mom on a trip
  8. Go on a road trip across Canada
  9. Go to Alaska
  10. Go on a road trip across America
  11. Let myself fall in love– completely and without fear
  12. Run a 5k race
  13. Have blonde hair
  14. Go to New York
  15. Go paintballing
  16. Own a camper
  17. Go on a camper road-trip
  18. Go skinny dipping
  19. Climb a mountain
  20. Raise a Guide-dog puppy
  21. Watch the sunrise and the sunset
  22. Stay up all night
  23. Go back country camping
  24. Send a message in a bottle
  25. Fall asleep under the stars
  26. Volunteer for an important cause
  27. Marry the man of my dreams
  28. Donate blood
  29. Own a pig (and name him Wilbur)
  30. Go to Vegas
  31. Take Jamie to Vegas
  32. Be completely content with who I am
  33. Find a career that makes me happy
  34. Live on an acerage
  35. Foster dogs  (amazing, do this!)


See, not too fancy..but I will definitely have to keep checking it to see which ones I can complete! And I cant stop adding on!!! 🙂 haha


What’s on your list??


Where have you been all my life?

On Saturday we went to get takeout Vietnamese food (Yesssss, salad rolls!!). While we were waiting for the food, we decided to take a stroll through some of the stores in the little strip mall. There was a used sporting store next door that we’ve never been in so we decided to pop in and take a look. Oooh there were so many things (I’m a stickler for good cheap stuff is my forte). After a bit of browsing and grabbing a new ball for the dogs (we can’t go anywhere without getting them something), I stumbled across the rollerblade aisle!

I’ve always wanted to try rollerblading, but I am not really one to stick with hobbies (guilty…). I usually give up pretty quickly for one reason or another. For this reason, my Mom was never big into buying me sporting goods when I was younger.  The first pair of rollerblades I saw were my size (I have GIGANTIC feet, so this was quite the find). I was laughing with my fiance about my feet, and asking him if he thought I’d be a pro now that I’m a ‘grown up’… They have the store set up so you can try everything out inside, on carpet.. Next thing you know I had my foot stuffed into this rollerblade and I was skating around the store with one shoe, one rollerblade. Eeeeeeek! This is EASY, I kept saying.

Jamie made me put the other rollerblade on before I jumped to that conclusion. As I laced them up, I could feel my feet getting comfy in the soft boots. They fit SO perfectly. It was like they were made for me (or already broken in by someone else’s stinky feet..hehe). I did up the buckles and off I went, cruising through the store. It was remarkably “easy” for me to catch on–especially being my FIRST time ever on rollerblades. Funnnnnn!!! I was so excited.

Enter: Salesman:

“Those are a great deal for $35, you know! You should try them outside on the sidewalk!”

So, looking back at Jamie with my confident, goofy smile, I headed for the door. SOLD! I came back inside and Jamie was picking out pads for me (which I argued that I clearly did not need!). We walked out after 20 minutes with a dog ball, rollerblades,  and wrist/elbow/knee pads–all for under $100!!!!!

We grabbed dinner, went home, ate fast, and I headed out to the road!

DAY 1: I can’t explain how much fun it was! I can’t believe I haven’t tried this before! I am ABSOLUTELY hooked!!!!! I had one major wipeout from being a little too confident…haha


Day 2: No falls! Granted I drove to the smooth biking path near our house and focused only on this area..

Day 3: Tried to venture to mentioned path on rollerblades from home..bad idea. Wipe out number 2 on the EXACT same area of my leg… Come on!!  Now it really hurts..and is swollen (?!) but I’m not giving up.. haha


Anyways, long story short: I LOVE ROLLERBLADING!!!! I am SO excited that I found a form of exercise that I truly love. I mean, the gym is okay and it makes me feel good when I leave, but I always have to drag myself there. This is definitely my new cardio!



Defining Moments

Yesterday, my Dad must have been taking a trip down memory lane as I received a few consecutive pictures in my Facebook inbox. There I was. A beautiful, dark haired little girl with her bangs cut straight across, wearing my early 90’s finest and blowing out the candles on my birthday cake. What was I thinking in that moment? I bet I was excited it was my birthday, and even more excited for cake.

I wonder what my wish was?
I wonder what my wish was?

The picture made me sad, almost instantly. I’ve never seen it before and I feel like I have no idea who that little girl is. I can see my round little nose and my big brown eyes and my dark hair..I can see it all. That’s me. That’s where I started. It made me wonder where things changed. When did I stop being this innocent, happy little girl? When did I become this person who is so critical of herself? This girl who spent years crying when she looked in the mirror, wishing she could have a different nose and a skinnier body, and no stretch marks, and even longer agnoizing over her future and what it would be like. What changed?

I wasn’t born fat, but I got there pretty quickly. I was a chubby kid (not quite unhealthy, but plump). When I started kindergarten I was bigger than the other kids, but I was always tall and had a large structure (I won’t say big boned, because we won’t go there…haha). I didn’t feel weird or out of place then.

My Dad left when I was 3. I have no memories of my family as a perfect little “unit”. My mom went to school and worked a night job–I spent most of my younger years at my Grandma’s. She fed me whatever I wantedfood is love, you know. It is abnormal for a 7-year old child to feel like I felt. I developed OCD and ate like crazy. Food made me feel safe. Hiding in my room made me feel safe. My Mom was stressed and she was busy.. She had so much going on, but she still did everything she could have done. She yelled sometimes like any normal parent, but I don’t think it ever crossed the line of ‘normal’. I hope one day I will be as amazing of a parent as she was. I don’t know what distinguished me from the other kids, or what made me have these feelings, but I don’t believe anything my family could have said or done would have changed it.. It was something deep inside of me. It’s who I was. By the time I was in my first year at University, I was 220lbs and miserable. I was just existing.

There are several, defining moments that stick out when I think about when everything changed. When did I loose that happiness, and that innocence? When did I stop feeling like that happy little girl in the picture and star feeling like the fat, unhappy  girl (the one that still lives in a big part of my heart and soul). Now of course, my life isn’t defined by these moments but they definitely made an impact. They are so small and so seemingly insignificant, but I think they’ll always be etched in my memories.

I remember in Second Grade, measuring the school field with a partner–we had one of those wheels on a stick that clicks for every meter travelled? I was pushing it around and he was walking slightly behind me. He said he was cold and I said I wasn’t.

“It’s because of all your whale blubber.”

It’s funny now, I guess. It was a witty comment for a second grader, but man it hurt.. I remember waiting until I got home after school, locking myself in my room and crying. I’m sure that little boy doesn’t remember that. I’m sure he said it, and that was that. Funny how that works.

I vividly remember standing outside my fourth grade classroom in my purple leggings and having kids tease me as they walked by.  I remember leaning up against the hard, brick wall with my backpack in front me, feeling so alone and trying to hide my pants from the kids as they walked by. All the other girls could wear leggings..but I was different. I was fat. I remember trying to hide the fact that I got teased. I didn’t want my Mom to think less of me or to be embarassed of me. From such an early age I was so worried about disapointing her..I didn’t want her to know she had the fat daughter that no one liked–she deserved more.

And then there was  back-to-school shopping. The one, dreadful year that I transitioned into adult clothes. I hated them. I didn’t want to wear old lady clothes..but I didn’t fit into kids clothes anymore. This was probably around Grade 5. I remember my Mom standing outside the change room while I tried to hold back my tears, telling me it wasn’t her fault I didn’t fit in kids clothes–I was just too big. I remember this day so vividly. I remember the feeling I had, and being so hurt by my Mom.  I’ve never told her this, and I’m sure I never will.

I wish I could go back to that happy little girl blowing out her candles and tell her she was beautiful. I wish I could help her become a confident, happy young lady. I wish I could go back to that 14-year old who quit basketball because she didn’t want to wear shorts and tell her she was GORGEOUS. I wish I could run back and tell her everything would be okay, and she’d be getting married to the man of her dreams (who is SO, so, so, SO, SO, SO handsome), and that she’d have a beautiful home, and beautiful puppies, and a happy, happy life. But I can’t go back, all I can do is go forward…and going forward, my outlook is going to change.

I can’t explain how this strange, random sequence of thoughts has occured in the past few days since receiving those pictures…but this is one of those moments. All I’ve been thinking about is how I wish I could go back and change so many things, but I can’t. All of them are just thoughts, and feelings, too: I wish I had more confidence, I wish I was happier and that I’d made different choices. But maybe I don’t need to go back, maybe all those things made me the woman I am today. I am learning to love her. She is a beautiful, compassionate person. She has more empathy than a lot of people, and loves deeper than anyone I’ve met. From this day forward, I am going to start loving that girl. I’m going to eat chocolate when I want and not feel guilty, and I’m going to run like the wind. I’m going to wear a bikini on my honeymoon and rock it, stretch marks and all. Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to make that little girl proud.




Monday, Monday, Mondayyyy..

I usually spend a good 2 minutes trying to think of a witty blog title, but today this just seems fitting.. because it’s Monday and that is all. I don’t like Mondays (surprise)… I’m just not destined to be employed (bahaha…I wish).

Friday I met up with my trainer. I weighed in at 2.5 pounds lost (nevermind that this morning I am back to my regular, static weight that just won’t budge), and I lost 0.9% body fat. I am pretty sure that the margin of error is greater than 1%, but I’ll take it.. small victories.

As for my measurements, someone please try and explain THIS sequence of events:

My last round of measurements (with one month difference in between):

  • Gained a 1/2″ around my chest.. I found a way to be happy with this (what girl wouldn’t be?!)
  • Lost 2″ around my waist (woohoo!!)
  • Gained 3/4″ around my hips (I have been squating like CRAZY and I had virtually zero bum to begin with…so I also found a way to accept this..)

This month of measurements (as taken on Friday with one month difference in between):

  •  Lost 1/2″ around my bust
  • Gained 1″  around my waist ( 😐 )
  •  Lost 3/4″ around hips

Okay, what in the hell is going on?! I swear I go into these weigh/measure/body fat days and I am feeling soo great, and then I come out wanting to cry (and being SO confused).  I don’t have a copy of my pictures yet, so I will post them as soon as she sends them over..but part of me doesn’t even want to look. UGH!

Part of me wonders if I am simply not working hard enough, do all these girls that look amazing really work THAT much harder than me? I mean, I work out to the point of absolute exhaustion and wanting to puke AT LEAST 4 times a week (I aim for 5-6), and I eat PRETTY FREAKING GOOD!! I dont want to make excuses and thyroid this, thyroid that..but I just don’t get it..

Well, I sucked it up and resisted the urge to go home and cry in my bed. I went home, got my gym stuff on and headed out. In order to combat my I HATE CARDIO attitude, I have been running to the gym and getting Jamie to pick me up after he’s done work. This gives me a solid 15-20 minute run, and a good 45-60 minutes at the gym. Friday night workout = lots of space at the gym. I was literally the only girl there. I was lifting hard and angry, I was sweating like crazy and I had a sad, empty feeling in my stomach. I had taken up shop in the corner of the gym and I was hoarding gym equipment in a cute little array next to me on the bench (in a way you can only do on a Friday night), when a guy started walking towards me. Oh god, I thought, I have too much stuff….I’m an ass. *panic*. BUT GUESS WHAT HE SAID?!?

“I don’t know how to say this in a non creepy way…but I saw  you here a few months ago and you are looking REALLY good. I have really noticed a big change and you must be working really, really hard.”

Seriously, I couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off my face. I must have said thank you 15 times.. I NEEDED that. I probably needed that worse than I’ve needed it in my entire journey. 70+ pounds lost and this was the time that I really, really NEEDED to hear this…and it happened.  I definitely took it as a sign that everything is going to be okay.

HAPPY MONDAY everyone! Thanks for reading.

Oh, and just because I love this picture, here’s Ben yesterday with his new bandana.. Can you say crazy dog lady??

Hi, I’m Ben and I’m a model.. 🙂


Fancy Friday and Body Fat Testing

Good Morning! It’s Fridayyyy!

Usually when I wake up on Friday’s, my first thoughts are:

  • BABE!! We can stay up LATE tonight and SLEEP IN tomorrow
  • Tomorrow is cheat day and I’m eating Indian food (I am addicted and it’s my ‘cheat’ choice every single week)
  • I get to wear jeans today

Point 1 and 2 were right on time…however today I decided not to wear jeans (our office has been letting us wear jeans for the past week to celebrate the Calgary Stampede). Instead, I have opted for a Fancy Friday..hehe. My mom bought me this dress in Vegas, and I have to fight not to wear it a few times a week (in love). I don’t have a lot of ‘expensive’ (the dress was about $100, so only really ‘expensive’ to my small-town budget) clothes, and I think I just love the way the fabric feels. Oh, and it makes me feel fancy –hence Fancy Friday..Ben really likes it too, as you can see. He spent the entire morning following me around, flopping down, and licking my ankles (weirdo).

DSC_1602 DSC_1608

After work, I am meeting with my trainer getting my measurements done, progress pictures taken, and body fat tested. This will be my second test as I did another one exactly one month ago. I’m pretty nervous. I’ve been working so hard, and I really hope the number has gone down. I don’t really feel like I look any different. With my luck, it’s probably gone up a few percent.. haha.

IMG_20140711_090057 (1)IMG_20140711_085928

These are my previous progress photo comparisons. These photos were taken one month apart, I was working my ASS off and eating clean, clean, clean. As you can see..I look exactly the same.In fact, I may even look worse in the front facing one.. lol 😦 Boo!!!! But I didn’t give up!! I am still working out 6 days per week, eating careful, and remaining hopeful.

P.S. I know I don’t need to loose any weight. But I do want to build muscle and tone my body. 3 years ago I was 220 pounds, and I’ve fought HARD to get to this stage. I’ve sweat, and cried, and thrown up from working so hard. It’s been a serious struggle…but I made it to this point. Maybe someday I will post “220lb me” photos..but not today.


FINGERS crossed for tonight!!! Wish me luck 🙂



Random, random, random..oh and overnight oats.

Lately I have been grumpy. Really grumpy. I’ve been tired..and SO frustrated at the fact that my body will NOT release the pounds. Get. Off. Of. ME!!! I haven’t been sleeping well, my eyebrows are literally falling out (yeah I know I already said that a few days ago.. but that shit is real) and the days have been going by really slow at work. Jamie is a trooper at putting up with me (some days more than others…we are both stubborn and fight like siblings at times–I blame it on both being Taurus 😉 ). I am thinking of making this cake:IMG_20140710_114319

Think it will make up for everything?!

Anyways, I got home from work yesterday and Jamie was hard at work. He’s been off work for two weeks and he’s got so much accomplished. He built a shed and organized allll his man stuff, and cleaned the house and did like 20 loads of laundry that I’ve been only slightly ‘avoiding’




Now just a quick ‘Throw Back Thursday’ to last summer when I decided to dig up some of our lawn and  start this little treasure:


Forgive the ugly lawn… (we had just moved in and the snow had JUST melted)


Go me!


Me and the dogs collected (okay…stole) these rocks from an empty lot across the road.

*so, as you can see, I pretty much did all the hard work… hehe

Anyways, he’s a superstar and I love him to pieces…so I just HAD to make it up to him. Dinner was a delicious concoction that I half-invented/half-stole the idea for. I didn’t take pictures because it was SO ugly, but I’ll post some next time I make it and master the art of “cooking for photographs”.. 😉 A little bit of instagram, perhaps?

Basically it was zucchini and carrot ‘noodles’ with an avocado ‘pesto’ sauce. We had it with fresh, wild cod and it was a-mazing. Here is my lunch and snack (leftovers):


I also made up a huge batch of (^^) turkey meatballs (^^) using a mini muffin container. They’re just extra lean ground turkey, chopped shallot, salt, pepper, and Flavor God seasoning. Oh. My. God. If you’ve never heard of Flavor God…check it out! Seriously!


I also made Jamie overnight oats, as he’s usually too auto-pilot in the morning to cook for himself, and ends up going to Tim Hortons for a bagel and this doesn’t sit well with my “anti-white flour” lifestyle. Say no to diabetes!

Blah, blah, blah…Sorry for the essay on my life, but there is a point to this story:


Just do it. It’s so delicious. I usually use almond/coconut milk or just plain water (boring and not recommended..but fewer calories ;))

Just mix together the following in some kind of sealed container :(use a mason jar if you want to feel rustic!)

  • 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup coconut water (unsweetened)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds ( I would have used two if it were for me ;))
  • 1-2 tsp cinnamon
  • 3/4 of an apple* (guilty..I ate the other 1/4)

Put the lid on the container, shake it up to mix, and put it in the fridge overnight (or for 4+ hours). In the morning the oats will be sooo yummy, and the chia seeds add a great texture to them. You can eat them warm or cold (I love them cold, Jamie says I’m gross).


Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa…….


*depending on how you like your oats, you may want to steam the apple for a bit before adding it in. A quick, easy way to do this is just to chop it up and throw it in a bowl in the microwave with a tiny splash of water. This just makes it a bit softer…